• Not affiliated with or endorsed by US Government or CMS
  • There is No Cost For My Services!


Marla helped me sort out the mess that a previous agent had started. I didn't know what kind of Medicare insurance I had, or why my Dr, bills weren't getting paid. Marla took the time to find a company that would accept my pre-existing medical conditions. She also helped me get a Prescription drug plan at a price I could afford.

H. Scott
Council Bluffs

Survival Rate is good for prostate cancer. I'm not dying. But I would just as soon not collect that $10,000 pay out from the Cancer plan that you helped me set up. It's comforting to know that I have you to help. THANKS SO MUCH.

Harlan, IA

We are planning out my dad's (who was recently diagnosed with a very rare and fatal disease, which has caused him to now be legally blind) monthly expenses and hope you might be able to clarify a few things regarding his monthly Medicare premiums. Thank you so much for your help on this. Quite frankly, it's overwhelming and confusing. Your assistance has been incredibly comforting as we work to figure this out.


Marla Jenkins was very diligent, courteous, and knowledgeable. I had recently moved to the area and was notified that my current health insurance plan was dropping me in a matter of days. I had no time to spare. Luckily, I was referred to Marla from a client of hers. She was there for me every step of the way and got me the best health insurance policy for my unique situation. She is a great person. Thank you so much!

David S.

Thank you for all your amazing help yesterday with my Medicare policies AND my 401k rollover to a safe account. You do a great service!

Pam S.

When the stock market plummeted in February 2020, I shivered at the thought of how much our 401k would have lost. Just weeks before, Marla told us about a safe money alternative that is protected from market volatility. What a relief that we took her advice and didn’t delay. We found her just in time!


After working in the Medicare system for 40+ years, I had a much better understanding than most people as they turn 65. Still, we chose to consult with a Specialist, Marla Jenkins. We were so pleased with Marla’s knowledge of Medicare that we recommended her to my brother-in-law when he approached age 65. Being on a very fixed income, he was concerned with the cost of his Diabetes medications. It was such a relief for us all when Marla found him a great Medicare Supplement and a drug plan, tailor fit to keep his out-of-pocket costs affordable.

Omaha, NE