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Marla Jenkins

Marla Jenkins grew up and played sports in rural Southwest Iowa, graduating High School in a small town. This experience allows her to best serve her clients within the farming community. She has lived the past 20+ years in the Omaha area, where she is very familiar with the different needs of clients in a Metro area setting as well.

Marla Jenkins is an independent insurance agent, specializing in Life, Health, and Retirement Solutions. A licensed agent since 2005, Marla works with a variety of major insurance companies in order to best serve her clients all across Nebraska, Iowa, and South Dakota. This gives her a great feel for the insurance landscape specific to the area.

She prides herself in educating folks about their benefits, as well as advising on potential risks. This allows her clients to feel empowered in making informed decisions, specific to their personal situations. Oftentimes this results in finding her clients added benefits at no additional cost.

Her Mission

Her mission is to provide her clients with assistance in understanding and making the right decisions when it comes to insurance. She has the skills, knowledge, and experience to help meet her client's established goals. Her personal goal is to become a lifetime resource for her clients and give them greater confidence in choosing their insurance plan.